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Trip Reports

Baker, WV - Kayak Spelunking - 24 Aug
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2024 Baker Quarry Kayak Trip Report

By Brent Jefferson, NSS 42662

(With the assistance of ChatGPT)

On a crisp, clear Saturday, August 24th, the 6th Annual Baker Quarry Underground Trip

roared to life with the excitement of 18 intrepid kayakers. Hosted in the enigmatic

depths of Baker, WV, this adventure promised a blend of rugged exploration and

underground splendor. With the sun warming the ground outside and an invigorating

chill greeting us inside, the stage was set for a journey that would blend history, nature,

and a touch of thrill.

Tom and Red from Tri-State

Grotto, along with their two

trusty canine companions,

were the gatekeepers of this

aquatic escapade. Under the

shade of a canopy tent, they

meticulously ensured each

participant had the requisite

waiver forms and safety gear.

Their attention to detail set

the tone for an adventure

marked by safety and

excitement. Doug Duncan,

the unsung hero of the day,

tackled the challenge of

clearing the rugged path to

the quarry’s entrance and

helped wrestle with the notoriously stubborn lock. With the gate finally open, our group

entered through the quarry’s gate, ready for the heart of the adventure.

Once inside the quarry

entrance, the kayaks

were carefully lowered

into the shadowy

depths below, and our

group followed, buzzing

with anticipation. The

transition from the


surface to the cool,


underground world was

like stepping into another realm. With the water’s edge just a few steps away, I led the

group on a thrilling walking tour across the quarry floor. Here, amid the large open areas

of this pillar and dome mine, I pointed out the launch sites scattered across three

distinct lakes, each a hidden gem of its own.

The quarry’s colossal ceilings ranged from a staggering 18 feet to a jaw-dropping 60

feet, and the water below varied from a shallow 1 foot to a more daunting 7 feet deep.

The spring-fed waters, though lower than usual, still offered a strikingly clear and

navigable expanse. We marveled at the interplay of light and shadow that danced on

the quarry walls, a testament to nature’s artistry.

The temperature contrast added to the adventure's

unique flavor: outside, the air was a comfortable 70

degrees, but inside the quarry, it dropped to a bracing 55

degrees. The water itself was a chilly 45 degrees, a

refreshing embrace that invigorated us as we paddled through this subterranean


Each stroke of the paddle, each

echoing splash, and each

moment of awe as we glided

through this underground

paradise made the day an

unforgettable experience. Baker

Quarry, with its hidden depths

and rich history, had once again

proven to be the perfect

backdrop for an adventure that

was as exhilarating as it was


Until next year, when the echoes

of our laughter and the splashes

of our paddles will once again fill

the mysterious depths of Baker

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