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Canoe and Kayak Instructors

Canoeing and kayaking can open up a whole new world for you!

Flat and Moving Water Canoe Instruction
Do you enjoy the outdoors? Do you enjoy canoeing across a placid lake in the Boundary Waters as a loon calls to its mate? Do you enjoy running Section IV of the Chatooga River with Burt Reynolds? Do you enjoy sea kayaking around Assateaque Island watching the wild horses?

Join the Canoe Cruisers Association to develop your canoe and kayak paddling skills. We will introduce you to the skills you need to paddle flatwater bird watching or to run whitewater rapids with style, control, and a big smile.

All you need is enthusiasm and CCA instruction.

The CCA supports:

Flatwater Canoe Lessons
Whitewater Canoe Lessons
Whitewater Kayak Lessons
Safety and Rescue Clinics
ACA Certified Instructor Courses
ACA Skills Assessments
CCA Canoe Instructors
The CCA Canoe Instructors, all volunteers, have years of canoeing and teaching experience. Many of our instructors are ACA certified instructors.

River Kayak Instructors:
Gary Steinberg (ACA Level 4 River Kayak certified)
Cory Heyman, (ACA River Kayak Certified)

Canoeing Instructors:
Mark Wray,  Instructor (ACA River Canoe Certified)
Ross Dence,  Instructor (ACA River Canoe Certified)

Safety and Rescue Instructors: