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Seneca Creek: Black Rock Road to Riley’s Lock. 8 J...
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Pictures on display on CCA's facebook. Enjoy! Barb

by Beth Koller

This 7+ mile section took four hours plus shuttle time. We (Barb B., Beth K., Carrie C., and Hendrik V.) considered the river to be at

zero. [ It was at 110 cfs - CZ is 85 cfs - Alf C] The rapids immediately above the bridge were not runnable; the rapids immediately below the bridge were runnable on the far left. The moist soil on the banks confirmed that the river had been much higher the day before. The river left put-in at the mill is steeper and root-filled. The river right put-in is easier, but involves a longer carry. The run lived up to its reputation for trees.

Most of the dead-fall was new. There were at least five obstructions above the weir and three below it. The saving grace of the lower water level meant that we could get under (just barely) most of the obstructions and the water flow was not at all pushy. But, when Barb takes off her helmet to get under a tree, you know it’s going to be tight.

We did experience the goodness of humanity when one in our party misplaced their phone. When we called the phone after the run,

someone answered. They had been waiting for the call! They were at the put-in and waited the 20 minutes it took to drive from the take-out to the put-in and retrieve the phone.

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