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Trip Reports

GW/Potowmack Canal - 5/26/2024
Pamela White

With 21 paddlers for this Sunday Paddle on Memorial Day Weekend, we elected to split into 2 groups.

In Group 1 we had Wayne M., Toni B., Lisa L., Rich C., Alan G., Alena V., Chris T., Doug, Paul, Ginny and a plus one, Bob B., for a total of 11. We had one mishap when a boater got sucked into the hole while surfing at the Wave Hole. Otherwise everyone was happy to be on an open GW Canal today. After Diagonal rapid about half the group chose to go right and run Jacuzzi Rapid while the other half went left and played through the small rapids and waves. The group spread out through the multiple lines and play spots in Exit (30 Eddy) Rapid before crossing and playing back across the river. Everyone helped to make sure all boats and people made it across the tow path to the C&O Canal. While kind of hot for May, it was another great day on the river. 

In Group 2 we were Pam, Barb, Kathleen, Lauren W., John S., Mike B., Miki K. and her family for a total of 10, all in kayaks with one 2-person inflatable. We worked our way down the GW canal with no mishaps. After Diagonal rapid, our group elected to stay left, playing in the smaller rapids and waves. It was a gorgeous day and so fun to have Miki’s family join us.

LF gauge: 3.86 ft., 8770 cfs.

Weather: partly cloudy, low 80s, wind E 3-4 mph.

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