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Trip Reports

11 Jan 2020 Violettes yet again
John Snitzer

With a warm (64 degrees) blustery day, more April than than January, we attracted thirteen for the Violettes Lock Loop.  Alf, Gordon, Lisa, Gus, Mark, Cotton, Gary and Ginny, Barb, Rich C, Wayne, Peter, and John S did the split trip.  After running down the GW Canal, a  few eager paddlers, including those prepping for exotic winter trips to the tropics, then attained back up through Seneca Breaks to Violettes Lock.  Most of us took the easy route and paddled down to the shuttle takeout at Pennyfield Lock.  With some planning it would be possible to have everyone's car end up at their destination.  Alas, nobody had the Violettes Loop App and shuttle perfection eluded us.  All paddled elegantly.  Dry hair day.  The attainment was described as "tough but rewarding."

Fine day on the river.  3.4 is a comfy but interesting level.  The piles of woody debris have created new waves and eddies in spots.  The ferns and mosses on the rock outcrops on the Virginia shore were bright dark green in the warm weather.  The gulls that have been sitting on the river at the lower crossing all winter were fishing today.  No eagles.  There was a group sentiment that we are lucky to have January days in the sixties for getting out on the river.  The larger implications of unseasonable weather were noted.

A check of the water level in the C&O Canal revealed the downed tree at Blockhouse Point to be two or three inches out of the water - the Canal, while passable up to Violettes would be shallow toward the top. (Two paddles in the Violettes Feeder gate were open.)   Over in the GW Canal, the blockage in the right channel after Jacuzzi Rapid is even firmer - the passage Ron Knipling is styling on the CCA homepage is totally blocked - and the water runs down two good passages to the far right, which we could try in future runs.  Fluffy looking with bones.

Several adjourned to Watershed Cafe in Poolesville following.

The good idea that came out of the trip is the idea that these fine winter paddling days will not last all season (note we have had regular trips since the regular season closed down at Thanksgiving) but now that we're in the habit of getting our for some fresh air on weekends, we might add walking to our agenda.  There are many days too cold to paddle when a walk in the woods would be perfect.  There will be an email query follow up on this idea.
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