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Trip Reports

Goose Creek - Golf Course Rapid, August 16
Gary Quam

The Leesburg gauge was reading 214 cfs two hours before the Goose Creek Gang hit the water around 2:30. That water was approaching Golf Course rapid as we paddled up a lazy creek wondering if it would be enough to run the rapid. We had five kayaks, Peter Ryan, Alf Cooley Pam White, Gordy Lang, Allison Holliday, and two OC1’s, Gary and Ginny Quam. Michelle Ryan joined us as our official photographer and videographer.


As it was, 214 cfs turned out to be an excellent level to explore lines and practice moves at Golf Course rapid. We ran the rapid 44 times in total, with no swims. Using a formula for carnage ratio of wipeouts divided by runs, this equates to a perfect 0 carnage ratio. Thanks to Alf for envisioning this new metric. Peter managed to get in nine runs, including a boof over the pour over in the center. At this level we could eddy hop on river right, and try and hit the slack water just below the center pour over hole. Great play and practice. As we left the rapid we were greeted with a bald eagle fly by. We were off the water at 5:30. 

There is a log jutting into the water on river right, at the bottom of the rapid where one eddies out. Alf went to work on it, but it proved too big for his compact saw. The task can be completed with a larger hand saw, on the next trip.


Keep Loudon Beautiful Park, the put in for this trip, closes on August 17 for removal of debris and piers in the creek. Work is expected to be completed by mid September.

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