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Trip Reports

Gunpowder Gorge
John Snitzer

Tony A came up with a non-shuttle option for the Gunpowder Gorge: start at the upper lot off Falls Rd, carry down, put in and run the gorge, leave the boats at the bridge and walk back to the top. This afternoon we did a proof of concept run and it was glorious. Cold clear water @ 101 cfs through a beautiful gorge, winner of outstanding design in tree trunk and boulder arrangement at the Oscars a few years ago. Easy but technical little creeky rapids with cute names that I have forgotten. There was a fine displays of ferns including big clumps of maidenhair fern and hillsides of Christmas fern. Black cohosh was pushing buds but not in flower yet. The mountain laurel still had a few flowers right at water's edge, perhaps due to the cold water. and a viburnum or elderberry flowered profusely a few feet above the waterline in spots (couldn't tell which in paddling glasses). Thalictrum (meadow rue) was in flower at the take out under the bridge. All paddled elegantly (Tony A, Lindsay F, John S, and Ivy the wonder dog who did 600 miles of the AT with Lindsay last season). Since we were only three we abandoned the walk option and shuttled with a driver plus back seat and way back passengers, all masked, with all the windows open for the three minute drive. It is a beautiful forest and the walk option is actually appealing, either along the road or on the trail that parallels the creek. There was talk of doing two loops next trip after the decrepit paddlers in the group have had time to train up on carrying boats.  

Incidentally, Gunpowder Falls is one of two streams in Maryland infested with Didymo or rock snot. It is carried from stream to stream on wet gear. We do not want it to spread. Please dry your gear completely after paddling there. See also the Savage River.


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