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Trip Reports

GW Canal, LF @ 2.61 ft
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Two canoeists (Alan G, Hendrik v.O.) and four kayakers (Barb B., Miki K., Kathleen S. and John S.) met at Pennyfield Lock at 12:30, shuttled up to Riley's, crossed the Potomac and enjoyed lovely weather on the usual GW route before returning to Pennifeld. All paddled without incident.

After unsetting shuttle, all but Barb (who had another engagement) enjoyed an impromptu feast at Cafe Roma in the plaza at the corner of Quince Orchard and Darnestown Road. The menu is extensive and features traditional Italian dishes. The author's meat lasagna was tasty. One diner, however, reported his pizza crust was not as crisp as he would have preferred. Still waiting on a review of the homemade limoncello cake, which looked good. *** stars out of 5.

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