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Trip Reports

GW Canal - 2.63 ft - Nov 9
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The Force was in balance today on the GW Canal trip. In K1s we had Barb B, “Mikey” B, Alf C, and Wayne M. In OC1s we had Hendrik vO, Gary and Ginny Quam and your faithful scribe. The level was 2.63 ft. Surprisingly, there was plenty of water in the remains of the canal, and the current moved along quite nicely. In fact, we found more rocks when we were back in the main stem paddling down to Pennyfield. The resident pair of eagles watched us exit from the GWC. The weather was very sunny at the start, then cloudy, then sunny and finally a few sprinkles as we were loading boats at the take out. There were no mishaps to report, and I am sure Barb will be providing her wonderful snaps to everyone. Finally, Muddy Branch had just enough water in it to come back up. You just had to stay on the right (as you return) side. And we ran into a number of other boaters in canoes, kayaks as well as a SUP who had put on at Violettes and was going upstream above Seneca Breaks. 

Tim Tilson

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