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Trip Reports

14 May - Rileys-GW Canal-Pennyfield - 4.36'
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Day after an overcast Downriver Race dawned bright and temperate - with a strong current - but still no water in the Canal. Our 11 paddlers were our greatest turnout this season, and we shuttled up from Pennyfield to Rileys, figuring on an easier put-in, only to meet a Calleva "Zero to Hero" (hello, Liz and Hildy) and an Aronoff class also putting in. Nonetheless, we managed to get on to the water and out into the Potomac without difficulty. The GWC was uneventful, save that after Diagonal Rapid, Wayne, Hendrik, and Alf branched off to the right down the traditional route. Looks safe enough to take a full group through. But the main part of the party was unable to restrain itself from playing in every single rapid along the left route. Alf got beaucoup practice surfing in 30-Eddy Rapid, while Wayne and Hendrik pulled the plug and headed for the take-out. Beautiful day on the river with the best of companions.

Wayne, Barb, Toni, Diane H, Gary+Ginny, Hendrik, Tim Pierce, Gus, Kathleen, Alf

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