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Trip Reports

THU 27 April - Anglers to Lock 10 at LF 3.2 feet
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Most excellent day, most excellent crew, wonderful low-water trip. Met at Lock 10 - at 10:00, with a couple of new paddlers having difficulty homing in. In the end 10 of us met - mostly at Lock 10 - three going directly to Anglers. All five upstream cars were able to park in the Anglers lower lot at this time - probably will have to go earlier to score such luck later in the season. We were: Tim in charge, Wayne, Alan, Barb, Gregory, Gary and Ginny Quam, Sarah K, Hendrik, and Alf. Mostly OC-1s, 3 kayaks, and Gregory's inflatable Explorer. Gregory, a PFD for this run, did handsomely. Sunshine - 60s - water - 60s. At Yellow Falls, Barb alone of all of us ran the loop on river left - up around the magnetic rock.- twice - with grace and an excellent eye for where the current would help her. Others looked, but decided not to.

Such a simple yet beautiful paddle - and sooo close in.

By Tim Tilson -

While some folks went to Little Falls an elite group of 10 ran Anglers-Lock 10 on a trip in which OC1s outnumbered everyone else. We had in K1: Alf C, Barb B, Wayne M and Sarah Kellet (in her personal First Descent). Gregory Maassen was in his R1 - also a PFD -, while in OC1s we had Ginny and Gary Q, Alan G, Henrick V, and yours truly. Beautiful day and nothing untoward to report. Turtle count was only 2.  Guess they are still hibernating.  Lunch al fresco afterwards at the standard Fish Tacos. 

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