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Trip Reports

Violettes - GW Canal - Pennyfield - 3.4' - Sun...
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Having called out a Sunday trip at what some called an unconscionable hour, I was mortified to find myself at home at the 9:00 hour I had forced down participants' throats. Hildy Ferraiolo was quick to pick up the reins and had the 9-man group shuttled up to Violettes and launched in jig time. It was only by the Surfers Wave that I was able to catch up with them. Besides Hildy and me, we were: the Quams, Alan, and Hendrik all in canoes, and Wayne, Lisa L, Temmy Kimes, and Mikey Baummer.

Weather was excellent - none of the predicted slight rain appeared. A large contingent split off after Diagonal and explored the Jacuzzi Rapid - though I was distressed to hear that nobody had tried to surf its glassy surface. Exiting from the GWC, 9 of us proceeded down to Pennyfield while Lisa proceeded up the Seneca Breaks. Such energy !

I note that the water temperature has been rising steadily this past week - from 59 to 68 degrees. Maybe it's time to start scheduling the Sunday paddles !!

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