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Chair's Cockpit

By David (Cotton) Cottingham

The Race

The 69th Annual CCA Potomac Downriver Race was a huge success. We had near perfect water levels (4 feet on the Little Falls gage ) and great weather. More than 60 racers made their way from the Rocky Island eddy to Sycamore Island in record times. Garet Strouse was the fastest overall in 51:08. Six racers finished in under 60 minutes. Turns out that the CCA race counts toward qualifying for the U.S. Wildwater Team, which helped prompt the participation of 16 competitors in wildwater kayaks or canoes.

Risa Shimoda, chair of the Race Committee, and her very capable team planned and executed the race beautifully. The race is CCA's biggest and most popular event. In addition to the racers, more than 40 CCA members volunteered to ensure smooth registration and check-in, a safe race, great food, and a beautiful long-sleeve t-shirt. When you see members of the Race Committee, please thank them for their service. 

• Joan Goodbody – T-shirts 

• Diane Hobbs – securing sponsors

• Jackie Hoglund – flag placement 

• Miki Komlosh – student volunteers and ACA liaison

• Lynn Miller – food

• Star Mitchell – T-shirts and Sycamore Island liaison 

• Jen Sass – safety

• Kathleen Sengstock -- registration

• Susan Sherrod – webmaster and registration 

Paddling Season Upon Us

Spring is my favorite paddling season. Warmish daytime temperatures, chilly water, and adequate water for floating. I've been fortunate to join several CCA trips on Thursdays and a weekend excursion to Stonycreek to enjoy our nearby streams. The wildflowers, like on an island below Seneca Creek being full of Virginia bluebells, always delight me. Spring ephemerals are beautifully here for a couple of weeks, then gone until next spring. And I've paddled with new CCA members I hadn't previously met. Many thanks to all who are trip coordinators and to the folks who are organizing the coordinators.

Anyone for Attaining?

As summer approaches, some of us like to attain on the Potomac from Anglers Inn, Carderock, and Seneca/Violettes Lock. CCA member Hugh Hilliard has suggested creating a list of others who like to attain and maybe setting up a regular time to schedule attaining paddles. If you are interested in attaining, get in touch with Hugh:

Have a safe summer paddling. I hope to see many of you on a CCA trip this summer.
