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Potomac Downriver Race

About this event


SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2018

Howard Morland, CCA Downriver Race Chair,

Mike Corcoran, PWRC President
Star Mitchell, Sycamore Island Liaison

The CCA Potomac Downriver Race is hosted by Sycamore Island and co-sponsored by Potomac Whitewater Racing Center.  This race has been run every year since 1956, and is one of the longest running whitewater races in the nation.

Registration: 9:00am to 10:30
Racers Meeting:  10:30
Race Starts at: 11:30

Register online on this page.

We would like to start the slower boats first.  If you paddle a short kayak or solo open canoe, please come to registration early so that you will have time to carry your boat and gear down to the putin before the racers meeting.


Online registration is now easy.  Advance registration is $20, day of race the registration fee will increase to $25.  Note also that $5 per paddler must be included in the fee for insurance unless the paddler is a member of CCA or ACA (American Canoe Association).  Tandem teams register and pay as two individuals.  Liability forms must be signed on race day.


This Maryland Canoe & Kayak Racing Series event begins at Rocky Island on the Potomac River just above Wet Bottom Rapid and continues for 7.5 miles to Sycamore Island.  The race also will be a USA Wildwater Ranking Race.  At the end of the race, a free T-shirt and a free lunch will be given to all workers and racers, and there will be a ceremony with awards and prizes for the winners. (If you do not attend the ceremony, do not expect to receive the above!  No awards will be mailed!) 


Sign-in begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 10:30 a.m. at Great Falls Tavern/C&O National Park in Potomac, Maryland, followed by a mandatory meeting for all racers.  If the Little Falls Gauge is over 5 feet, the race will start at the Old Angler's Inn put-in.  And if the gauge is over 6 feet, the race will be postponed.  Notice regarding any changes will be posted on the CCA, PWRC, and MCC websites.  You will be notified of changes by email if you register in advance.


This is a race for any whitewater paddler from the pros to parent/child tandem teams, but this is NOT A NOVICE RACE.  All participants should have experience in, and be comfortable with, Class III rapids.  Participants may enter with any type of a boat provided it is properly outfitted with adequate flotation (air bags) and all occupants of the boat are wearing a helmet and a PFD (life jacket).


If you plan to paddle the race, PLEASE PRE-REGISTER to help with registration and planning.  Please do not bring two cars to the race -- parking will be difficult and a shuttle will be provided.


VOLUNTEER helpers are needed for safety boats and for helping at the registration at Great Falls and at the finish at Sycamore Island.  Volunteers will receive the gratitude of the racers, a sense of participating in an important annual river event, a race T-shirt, and lunch. 


Anyone interested in helping out with this year’s race should contact Howard Morland at 703-525-1429 or e-mail  DO JOIN THE FUN!!

The ACA Waiver and Insurance Form must be completed for each participant who is NOT a member of CCA or ACA.  To save time at registration please fill out the form and bring it with you to the race.  If you are not an ACA member, a $5 insurance fee must be paid.  If you are an ACA member you must enter your ACA number on the insurance form.


Saturday, May 12, 2018


Great Falls C&O Canal NHP
11710 MacArthur Blvd
Potomac, MD  20854

Event Contact(s)

Howard Morland
703-525-1429 (p)



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment in Full In Advance Or At Event
Helmets and PFDs (life jackets) are required for each person. Boat flotation is required. Race starts below Great Falls, MD if Little Falls gauge is at or below 5 feet. Angler's if gauge is 5-6 feet. Race is postponed if Little Falls gauge is above 6 feet on morning of race.
Cancellation Policy:
If you must cancel this event you will receive a credit on your account that can be used to pay for any future event, class, or membership dues.
Activities/Items (Click the down-arrow to view details)
Donation To Racing
Race Fee - ACA or CCA Member
Race Fee - Not a Member of CCA or ACC