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Trip Reports

Thurs Pad - Anglers - Lock 10 @ 3.1 ft
Alford Cooley

I had the feeling that at least four of our party of six would just as soon not be there, as it dawned with 39 degree temperatures. Dean was able to wriggle out by virtue of a flight arriving in the wee hours of the morning, and I gave Tim a pass on condition of his coming down to Lock 10 to shuttle a bunch of us and our boats up to Anglers Inn. We were: Barb Brown, Gary & Ginny Quam, Saerom Park, Wayne McDaniel, and myself.

Having sun at the put-in put us into a more positive mood, as did the absence of predicted 18-mph gusts, nothing like that until a wind at our backs beginning as we approached Scotts Run. We ran all three rapids successfully, with Ginny demonstrating a line at Yellow Falls to the left of the Terminator Rock seldom seen by our crowd. We didn't spend any superfluous time playing in the rapids and so took off within two hours of our 10:45 put-in.

Wildlife seen was one turtle on a rock, a Great Blue and a cormorant.

Thanks, friends, for coming out on a brisk morning - and to Tim for the lift to the put-in.

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