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Trip Reports

Hopeville Canyon - 10/3/24
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Hopeville Canyon was running around 850 cfs when we put on. Air temps were in the mid-70s with sunny skies and water temps in the low 60s. Paddlers on this beautiful day were Mark, Ned, Ken, Hildy, Allison, Jenny, Scott, Bruce, and Gary in K1s and Larry and Kim in OC1s. It was the first time on Hopeville for Hildy and Scott and they both aced it. The Landslide rapid has a significant hazard to be aware of and avoid. A large log is stuck just below the river left eddy at the top of the rapid, leaving a small opening from the eddy back into the main current and requiring vigorous paddling to exit the eddy. And beware of drifting downstream in the eddy where the log is lurking. 

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