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Trip Reports

Violettes Loop 6/23/24 @2.8ft
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To beat the expected heat (98 degrees), the coordinator called for an extra early 8 AM on-the-water start time. For the record, 7 out of 10 were actually afloat at the stipulated time. We left within 15 minutes. We ten were: Alf Cooley, Wayne McDaniel, John Snitzer, Lisa Laden, Mikey Baummer, Bob Harford and Mar Solis in K-1s and Gary Quam, Ginny Quam and Alan Gale in OC-1s. PFD for Mar. We were joined at Diagonal Rapid by Laura Thompson, who had been on the river since 7AM! Two participants, who shall remain nameless, failed to show on time - and never caught up - of course, they probably preferred eddy-hopping to avoiding the heat.

Nothing out of the ordinary to report except that one of the two usual exits at Exit Rapid/30 Eddy Rapid continues to be blocked by a large log; the other exit was scrapy, but all managed to pass without anyone having to step out of their boat. No turtles were to be seen on the way back up the Canal.

Off the river by 10:15AM -- possibly a CCA record.

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