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Trip Reports

GW canal, Riley’s Lock to Pennyfield, 6/9/2024
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Pictures of group 3 just put up, including the shower! Please check the CCA webpage. Barb

Ginny and Gary Q. (OC-1s), George F. (inflatable), Pam W. - Violettes with C&O return (K-1), Rich C. (OC-1), Robin W. (OC-1), Lisa L. - Violettes with attainment (K-1), Kathleen S. (K-1), Toni B. (K-1), Hendrik vO. (OC-1), Miki K. (K-1), Dean H. (K-1), Saerom P. (K-1), Luke P. (K-1), Bob H. (K-1), Mikey B. - Violettes with C&O return (K-1), Bob B. (rec kayak), Barb B. (K-1) and Ken W. (K-1). John S. came to Pennyfield, saw the gaggle and left to paddle the breaks in solitude. Met at Pennyfield at 9:00. Weather: partly cloudy, around 80, wind WNW 11-15 mph. Water temp 78. LF gage: 3.45 ft., 5440 cfs. On the water before 10:30, last group off about 1:30. Running shuttle with a group this size is a challenge. Lisa and Pam paddled up from Violettes to Rileys to meet us. Mikey and Barb came from Violettes to meet us at the mouth of the GW canal. Group 1 - Pam, Hendrik, Mikey, Bob H. and Bob B. Group 2 - Lisa, Miki, Rich, Robin and Gary. Group 3 - Ginny, George, Kathleen, Toni, Dean, Saerom, Luke, Ken and Barb. Group 1 reported one swim while surfing at the wave hole and went down the right channel to run Jacuzzi rapid. They were off by 11:30. Group 3 was last and slowest due to lots of eddying, ferrying, surfing and mini attainments. We also had a swim in group 3, quickly remedied with a throw rope and an opportunity to see a throw rope in action. It was a personal first descent for Saerom a second descent for Luke and had been a while for some others since they’d been on the GW Canal. The weather was nearly perfect until we were on the main river headed back to Pennyfield when the wind picked up and we got a brief, heavyish rain shower. Pam and Mikey paddled the C&O canal back to Violettes, Lisa attained back to Violettes. Group 2 kindly waited for group 3 and for Miki who attained part way with Lisa and we all paddled back together, getting a little wet. The rain stopped by the time we got to Pennyfield so we weren’t waiting for the shuttle in the rain. 

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