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Trip Reports

George Washington Canal @3.37 - June 2, 2024
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17 paddlers (Alf C, Barb B, Doug McD, Gregory M, Gordy L, Hendrik vO, Jackie H, Lisa W, Luke P {PFD}, Logan H, Mikey B, Natalie H, Pam W, Rich C, Robin W, Toni B & Wayne McD) enjoyed yet another beautiful spring day on the George Washington Canal with a level of 3.37’ (4,900 cfs), somewhat lower than in recent weeks. With the strainer at the top of the GWC sawn through (thank you, Calleva), the debris pile below Jacuzzi rapid dispersed (thank you, nature) and the C&O canal rewatered (thank you, NPS) we were able to once again run the traditional loop trip. No carnage to report. [Alf: I heard from members of the second group that they experienced 4 flips, resulting in their returning after an extra hour.][Jackie: To be fair to the swimmers, my experience was that there were three flips, each with a very speedy self-rescue, and just the normal playing around taking the extra hour.] The weather was spectacular with blue skies and a high temperature near 80 (thank you, trip coordinator). There were sightings of the customary bird species but, surprisingly, the turtle count on the C&O was one. Perhaps the extended dewatering period has impacted that population?

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