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Trip Reports

Angler's to Lock 10 @ 4.08' - May 23, 2024
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Seven paddlers (Ernie K, Gary & Ginny Q, Lisa L, Mike A, Peter R and Wayne McD) enjoyed a stress-free paddle on the Potomac from Angler’s Inn to Lock 10. The river level was a boisterous 4.08’ but no carnage to report. We paused above Yellow Falls to share some memories about Gus Anderson and to toss flowers into the water in his memory. After the obligatory surfing session at Yellow Falls we proceeded down river to discover that the flowers had floated ahead of us so we passed them a second time. We spotted several great blue herons and the mountain laurel was in bloom on the riverside. Through much of the trip we had weather that pessimists characterized as rain, but I preferred to think of it as a heavy mist. After the paddle, a quorum repaired to Fish Taco for a deserved repast.

Above Yellow Falls we reminisced about Gus Anderson, a great paddler and a great person.

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