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Trip Reports

My First Run of the Season on the GW Canal Level ...
Barbara Brown

We would not have been running this if Steve McKone hadn’t approached the tree at the first corner with a saw, determination and courage the day before. When we passed the tree that had floated downstream, it was astoundingly large with numerous saw cuts on it.

We were eight boats, six veterans and two graduates of a recent whitewater class. Alf Cooley, Jackie Hoglund, Ginny Quam, Pam White, Toni Bickart, and two first-timers, Jenna Caldwell and Sammy Katta. Our first issue was the put-in, blocked by an amazing number of large floating trees. We were obligated to haul upstream about 100 yards to find a put in above the blockages.

After crossing to the GW Canal, the river was a delightful level. Lots of moves, ferries and fun. One adventure was up the left side passage to see the eagle's nest in the huge Sycamore. It was too high to see if birds were in it but still worth the trip.

As we approached the downstream junction with the right side of the river we were astounded to find the huge pile of logs that had been there for 3 years was…….Gone!!! There was still some debris in the rapid but nothing serious that maneuvering couldn’t overcome. It was a strange feeling to say hello to the right side of the river.

All were now comfortable and we ferried the entire river with glee to approach the transfer-trail at Blockhouse Point. Even more joyous was a canal full of water that allowed a safe (if leisurely) passage back to Violettes Lock. All the fallen trees across the Canal were gone. Thank you NPS for restoring this !!!

After all the fun, we took out a bit late but nobody complained!!!

Please see the CCA homepage for pictures of the trip.

Barbara Brown

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