I have several openings for the 2024 West Virginia Week of Rivers trip. This is invitation-only, capped attendance. Friday evening April 19 through Sunday morning April 28. Format is we rent ski houses in Canaan Valley and do day trips from there. Nice houses with own rooms; not bunkhouse, cabin, boater house. Real heat, hot water, showers, beds, kitchen, hot tubs. Wake up, check gages on-line, dither, cross-load, disperse, paddle, return, cook, drink, hot tub, good night's sleep, repeat.
Usually multiple trips per day, ranging from occasional swamp runs in the valley to 3/4. Lots of II and II/III. You're pretty much guaranteed at least one trip each day no harder than II/III; think Bloomington rather than Lower Yough. Play dogs and hard-core creekers (Lower Big Sandy, Otter, Upper/Lower/NF Blackwater, etc.) will be disappointed.
If you are interested, please contact me at ronaldaray@verizon.net. As this is a residential trip and you'll need to play nicely with folks in your house, I will do some vetting with folks who know you.