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Trip Reports

Little Falls at 2.61' and low tide, Thurs. 10/...
Ginny Quam

We had 9 on Little Falls today. Ned, Bruce, Gary S., Lisa, Ken, Howard, and Sarah in K-1s and Ginny and Gary Q. in OC-1s. Amazing weather for this time of year - partly cloudy, high about 75, with light wind. Water temp high 50s. LF gage: 2.61 ft., 1070 cfs, low tide 1:42 pm. Most of the excitement happened before we put in. One paddler called to say that his boat had been picked up with the trash. He was going to try to track it down, so no paddling for him. Another paddler, while getting into his boat, realized he left his skirt in his car at Lock 5. We had a small delay while he retrieved the missing skirt. The group was split with 5 negotiating the bottom of Z Chanel and 4 opting to carry. Ken ran the Beaver Slide solo and had a fine line. At little Falls everyone went from the staging eddy across to the Maryland eddy. With low water level and exceptionally low tide, the waves heading to VA were particularly violent today. Only a brave few did the Hairy Ferry. The bottom of the MD side was quite shallow. The rocks that form the diagonal chute at the bottom drop were fully out of the water and there was an additional mini drop and bony area below the bottom drop. This was the lowest any of us had seen at the bottom. Needless to say the take out was a class IV mud and rock trudge that started near the mouth of the inlet. Some chose to take out on the rocks to the concrete platform to avoid the mud. No swims today.

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