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Trip Reports

7 AM Paddle at Riverbend Park, Great Falls 10/06/2...
Hildy Ferraiolo

Autumn is here as evidenced by sun’s difficulty to rise in the early morning! In fact, the drive to Riverbend Park was partially in the dark before sunrise. Once there, we witnessed the first sun rays peeking out from the trees lines and the mist/fog rising from the river. Soon the park will delay its opening hours to 7:30 am.


There were 8 of us today. Two K1s and 3 rec kayaks, one foldable and a tandem inflatable. Half of the group were from CCA (Jeff in K1, Tim and Monica in the 2IK and your TC in K1).  


Once again, our route took us up-river following the MD canal passed Swains Lock to the dam at River Water Filtration Plant. Water levels were at 2.77 ft LF gauge. On the float back (&for a while), we searched unsuccessfully for pawpaw fruits. None were to be found. Trees are still stubbornly green in colors… peak foliage still a long way away. 


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