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Trip Reports

7 am @ Riverbend Park, Great Falls 9/22/23 - 2.78...
Hildy Ferraiolo

We paddled the last day of Summer 2023 in sunny, but cooler 56 F conditions.     


Seven of us assembled at the boat ramp with 3 K1s and 3 rec kayaks and one foldable. Two K1s were paddled by CCA members (Jeannette H and I). Our route took us up-river in the MD canal. Water levels were slightly up at 2.78 ft LF gauge, which was a welcoming change from the lower levels this summer.


Half-way to the Potomac River Filtration Dam, the group split two – one returning to the boat ramp early to start the work day. The remaining group continued and attained to the dam by the Potomac River Water Filtration Plant (MD-side) followed by a leisurely and uneventful paddle back to the boat ramp.

Water temperatures are still fine for our outings, but will end once below 65F.

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