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Trip Reports

Rileys/GW Canal/Pennyfied @ LF 2.87-2.93 ft.
Alan Gale

Fourteen paddlers defied National Weather Service predictions for rain showers and possible thunderstorms and paddled from Rileys to the GW canal to Pennyfield Lock.

In K-1s: Barb B., Alf C., Natalie H,, Bob H., Diane H., Gordy L., Wayne M., John S., Laura T., and Alena V. In an inflatable: Logan H. In OC-1s: Alan G., Gary Q. and Ginny Q.

We put in at 2.87 ft. on the Little Falls gauge and the water rose to 2.93 ft. by the time we took out. This modest level felt wonderful after enduring our long dry summer and was especially helpful paddling up Muddy Branch to Pennyfield. The extra water also let us float above the aquatic plants that had become a real nuisance at lower levels.

We had a minor bit of excitement at the Surfer's Ledge where one of group got caught by the hole and took a brief swim (but only after doing an oustanding job surfing the wave!).

SAFETY NOTE There is new wood in Diagonal Rapid just to the right of the the usual right-to-left line. It currently isn't a problem for paddlers with boat control but caution should be exercised taking new paddlers down this section.

Barbara Brown

Check out the pictures on CCA's facebook page. Barb Brown

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